Drywall Wallboard Anchors

These type of anchors are very popular and come in nylon and Zamak alloy. There are many brands including the trademarked EZ-Zip® (Aerosmith), EZ-Ancor® (ITW Buildex), and Zip-It® (Powers) anchors. They are all part of the drywall wallboard family. The term EZ-Anchor (with an "H") is a misspelling of the trademarked name EZ-Ancor and should not be used.
They come both full size (#8 screw) and mini-sized (for a #6 screw). Installation is easy. With the screwdriver inserted into the Phillips drive that is part of the head, press the tip of the anchor into the wallboard. When it seats flush, remove the screwdriver, insert the screw and screw it in. And you're done!
Talk to Hardware Everywhere’s knowledgeable customer service team for help choosing the fasteners that match your application. Call us at 1-800-432-8979 or contact us online.