Blind Rivet (Bulbing Type)

Blind rivets consist of two parts. The first part is called the rivet body (sometimes called the shell) while the second part is called the mandrel (also called a stem). Pop® Rivet is a brand name as are Huck(R) and Avdel(R) and Marson(R). That doesn't tell you what type of blind rivet you need.
A bulbing rivet is a kind of blind rivet whose body expands into three separate “legs” when installed. They stretch in different directions over the blind side of the work, creating a sort of hook that holds the rivet in place.
To enable blind rivets to meet the requirements of a wide variety of applications, they are available in many materials, including: Steel, stainless steel, Monel®, copper, brass, bronze, and aluminum. Many specialty blind rivets are also available.
Talk to Hardware Everywhere’s knowledgeable customer service team for help choosing the fasteners that match your application. Call us at 1-800-432-8979 or contact us online.